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Setting up python and auxiliary programs for operating python and introducing a few tools if you get stuck.

User Interface

Python can be used in various development environments, providing flexibility for different types of users. These interfaces allow programmers to write, test...

Installing Libraries

What are Libraries? In programming, libraries are collections of pre-written code that provide reusable functions, classes, and methods to perform common tas...

Your first exercise in Python

Introduction Welcome to your first Python exercise! In this exercise, you’ll learn how to write your first Python code in a Jupyter notebook using Visual St...



Learn about different levels of measurements and how information is arranged in data types in Python.

Levels of Measurement

The Four Horsemen of Measurement - hear their names: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.

Python Exercise

Introduction Welcome to this Python exercise! In this exercise, you will work with basic Python operations such as performing arithmetic, and working with v...

Python Exercise - Solutions

Introduction This document contains the solutions to the Python exercise tasks. Let’s go through each task and its solution step-by-step. Task 1: Add, Subt...



Learn about the operators in Python and how they are used to perform different operations on data.

Mathematical Operators

Mathematical operators in Python allow you to perform basic arithmetic operations on numbers. These operations are fundamental in any programming language an...

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators in Python allow you to compare values and determine their relationships. These operators are fundamental in making decisions and control...

Logical Operators

Logical operators in Python are used to combine multiple conditions and perform logical operations. These operators are fundamental for decision-making in yo...

Python Exercise - Solutions

Introduction This unit covers Python’s basic operators, focusing on arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators. You will practice using these operators t...


if Statement

In Python, if statements are used to control the flow of a program by executing certain blocks of code only when specific conditions are met. The basic form ...

if and elif

The elif statement in Python, short for “else if,” allows you to check multiple conditions in sequence. It provides a way to handle more than just two possib...

if, elif and else

The else statement in Python is used to define a block of code that will execute if none of the preceding if or elif conditions are True. The else statement ...

Python Exercise - Solutions

Task 1: Age Verification Solution: # Get user input age = int(input("Enter your age: ")) # Check age if age >= 18: print("You are an adult.") T...



You will learn about different types of data storing in objects.

Python Exercise - Solutions

Introduction This document contains solutions to the tasks related to data structures in Python. Let’s go through each task and its solution step-by-step. ...



In programming, loops are fundamental constructs that allow you to repeat a block of code multiple times without having to write it out repeatedly. They are ...


For-loops are the mother of all repeating structures which enable the execution of certain code blocks for multiple times. For-loops are useful if the number...

Looping Trough Lists and Tuples

For-loops are extremely useful when working with lists and tuples, as they allow you to iterate over each element and perform operations on them. Unlike rang...


As for loops, while loops are repeating structures which enable the execution of certain code blocks for multiple times. The difference is that for while loo...

Python Exercise - Loops 1

Introduction This unit covers Python loops, focusing on for loops. You will practice using loops to solve various tasks that involve iterating through range...

Python Exercise - Solution 1

Introduction This unit covers Python loops, focusing on for loops. You will practice using loops to solve various tasks that involve iterating through range...

Python Exercise - Loops 2

Introduction This unit covers how to work with user input and loops in Python. You will practice collecting input from the user, performing operations on li...

Python Exercise - Solution 2

Introduction This unit covers how to work with user input and loops in Python. You will practice collecting input from the user, performing operations on li...



“Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” – Ronald Coase



Data visualization is a crucial aspect of data analysis and communication. Python offers several powerful libraries for creating a wide range of graphs and c...

Creating graphs

“No design works unless it embodies ideas that are held common by the people for whom the object is intended.” - Adrian Forty


Spotlights on Base Python

Overview and the Very Basis Base Python is the foundational aspect of the Python programming language, encompassing its syntax, semantics, and basic features...