if Statement

In Python, if statements are used to control the flow of a program by executing certain blocks of code only when specific conditions are met. The basic form of an if statement checks a condition and executes the following indented block of code if the condition is True

Basic if Statement

Here’s an example of a simple if statement:

a = 5.0
b = 10.0
if a < b:
    print("a is smaller than b")
# Output:
# a is smaller than b

Using logical operators in if Statements

You can also use more complex boolean expressions within if statements to make more precise decisions:

c = 5
if a < b and a == c:
print("a is smaller than b and equal to c")
# Output:
# a is smaller than b and equal to c

Negating Conditions with not

The not operator can be used to check if a condition is False:

if not a < b:
    print("a is not smaller than b")
# Output:
# a is not smaller than b

If you would exclude the not, the condition would be False and you wound’t get an output.
