Importing Data

Importing csv data with python using pandas

Reading or writing tabulated data into or from a data frame is a quite common task in data analysis. Based on the csv data provide is can be really easy or sometimes also a bit cumbersome. If the separator of your csv is ,, the decimal separator is . and you have a header for each column you can normally use the read_csv() function with the path of you .csv without any additional parameters.

import pandas as pd

# Reading the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('path/to/your/file.csv')

When ever one of these parameters are different than the default you need to change them manually. To see all available parameters of the function you can type pd.read_csv? So for European .csv files it often looks like this:

df = pd.read_csv('path/to/your/file.csv', sep = ';', decimal = ',')

Real World Example

This (example is taken from here) . It contains data about the area of different landuse types.

import pandas as pd

# Reading the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('/AI001_gebiet_flaeche.csv', skiprows=4, header=0, sep=';', decimal=',')

Explanation of Parameters

  1. filepath_or_buffer: The path to the CSV file.
  2. skiprows=4: Skips the first four lines (useful if the first few lines contain metadata rather than data).
  3. header=0: Specifies that the first non-skipped row contains the header.
  4. sep=';': Defines the column separator.
  5. decimal=',': Defines the decimal separator used in the dataset.

A quick way to check if everything is fine is to display the first few lines of the data file using the head method (without the 2, it will print 5 lines as a standard setting).

## Output:
##      X X.1                  X.2
## 1 1996  DG          Deutschland
## 2 1996  01   Schleswig-Holstein
##   Anteil.Siedlungs..und.Verkehrsflä
## 1                                              11,8
## 2                                              10,8
##   Anteil.Erholungsflääche
## 1                                    0,7
## 2                                    0,7
##   Anteil.Landwirtschaftsflääche
## 1                                         54,1
## 2                                         73,0
##   Anteil.Waldflääche
## 1                              29,4
## 2                               9,3

Writing Data to CSV Files

Writing data to a CSV file is as straightforward as reading it. You can use the to_csv method from the pandas DataFrame.

df.to_csv('path/to/your/output_file.csv', sep=',', decimal='.', index=False)
  1. path_or_buf: The file path or object where the CSV data will be written.
  2. sep=',': Defines the column separator.
  3. decimal='.': Defines the decimal separator.
  4. index=False: Omits the DataFrame index from the output file.
