Python Exercise - Solutions
This unit covers Python’s basic operators, focusing on arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators. You will practice using these operators through multiple tasks to solidify your understanding.
Task 1: Arithmetic and Comparison Operators
# Define variables
a = 10
b = 5
# Arithmetic operations
modulus_result = a % b
exponentiation_result = a ** b
# Print arithmetic results
print("Modulus (a % b):", modulus_result)
print("Exponentiation (a ** b):", exponentiation_result)
# Comparison operations
is_equal = a == b
is_not_equal = a != b
is_greater = a > b
is_less_or_equal = a <= b
# Print comparison results
print("Is a equal to b?", is_equal)
print("Is a not equal to b?", is_not_equal)
print("Is a greater than b?", is_greater)
print("Is a less than or equal to b?", is_less_or_equal)
Task 2: Logical and Combined Operations
# Define variables
a = 10
b = 5
# Combined logical operations
and_result = a > 8 and b < 10
or_result = a == 10 or b == 10
not_result = not (a == b)
# Print logical operation results
print("Is a > 8 and b < 10?", and_result)
print("Is a == 10 or b == 10?", or_result)
print("Not (a == b):", not_result)