AS Assignment

Tasks from this session

  1. Find other interesting vegetation indices. Plot them using both R and GEE.
  2. Next you need to clip the buffered study area to the study area provided here. Tip - feel free to use chatgpt :)

Task for the next session

  • Read the following article by Ziegler et al 2022 (also available on ILIAS) and answer the following questions
  1. What is the research question that the article is based on?
  2. How can LiDAR-derived vegetation structure be used as a surrogate to species richness of different taxa?
  3. Based on the model results, how are the different feeding guilds related to the vegetation structure?
  4. What are the different limitations highlighted by the study?
  • Please download the complete LiDAR data for the next session. The data is available on the strato server. The username and password are provided on the ILIAS platform. The download is roughly around 3GB.
