Frequently Asked Questions

This is a continuously updated collection of frequently asked questions.

Course requirements

What is the expected workload for this course?

This course gives 6 (ECTS) credit points, making up a total of 180 hours workload. 180 hours in total minus the time spend during the course sessions divided by the number of weeks makes up a workload of 9.6 hours on average per week in addition to the time spend during the course sessions ((180-(13*3.5))/14). Note that this workload is intended to achieve an average grade according to the official European study system.

Git and GitHub

Where can I find the url to my personal GitHub classroom repository?

Follow the link to the GitHub classroom provided by the instructor and you will find something like this:

How can I find out if my files were properly uploaded to the GitHub repository?

Enter the url of your GitHub Classroom repository in a web browser and check if they are there.

How can I check if the HTML files in my GitHub repository have the right content?

You can check the contents of your (HTML) files by downloading them from the remote repository to your local computer. Therefore, press “code” (the green button) and then “download zip” in your repository using your internet browser. After downloading, you can open and render HTML files with your browser.
