

We distinguish between unmarked and marked deliverables (“Studien- und Prüfungsleistung”). Both are required for passing the course but only the latter are marked. Students will need to deliver marked (4) and unmarked (6) assignments on a regular basis (“homework”) within one week. Details on the assignments and whether they will be marked or not can be found in the respective units. The submissions generally encompass R or R markdown AND the compiled html files.

You are allowed and encouraged to use ChatGPT or similar AIs to solve the assignments. However, you need to present the solutions to your assignements to make sure you understand what you have done.


Assignment Name and link marked / unmarked
01 Hello R, Hello GitHub marked
02 Loop and Conquer unmarked
03 Read and Plot marked
04 Cleaning Crops unmarked
05 Recreation vs. Settlement marked
06 Recreation vs. Settlement revisited unmarked
07 Wheat vs. everything else marked
08 Model Tuning unmarked
09 Precipitation Forecast unmarked
10 NAO and Cölbe unmarked
11 MOHA marked

The deadlines for uploading your assignment solutions – both marked and unmarked – to GitHub Classroom is 12:00 o’clock in the night between Monday and Tuesday before the next course session.

Be aware that it will NOT be sufficient to start working on the assignments the day before the deadline. It will be necessary to solve a lot of disturbing and time-consuming problems in the programming world. So start early!!!


Additionally, there will be a marked assignment, which needs to be submitted directly at the end of the respective session in the second half of the semester – the MOHA (Marburg Open Hackathon). Tasks for the MOHA will be selected from all units.

Final grade

Your final grade will consist of the marked assignments and the MOHA. You may use the following lines of code for calculating your final grade, for example:

assignment_1 <- 5
assignment_2 <- 6
assignment_3 <- 7
assignment_4 <- 8
MOHA <- 9

final_grade <- round(mean(c(assignment_1, assignment_2, assignment_3, assignment_4, rep(MOHA, 2))))

Note that you do not have to achieve five points in each assignment or the MOHA. However, passing the course requires at least five points in regard to your final grade and submitting the unmarked assignments in time.
