Project SoSe 2024

The aim of this project, which description is part of your deliverables, is to find the best suitable design to a trap which automatically captures both day- and night flying insects. We will build upon two established systems. The automated moth trap (AMT), whose first prototype has been adjusted and tested in the couse of the Nature4.0 project, will provide the basis for luring the nocturnal insects. The insect detect trap by Max Sittinger will provide the basis for luring the diurnal insetcs. Before both can be frankensteined together, there are several aspects in terms of the target area which need to be considered, e.g.

What’s the best colour to choose? What’s the best Material to choose? What Orientation captures the most insects?

To test these questions in an experimental way, we’ll set up three flight cages, which allow us to observe the response of Osmia bifornis, Lymatria dispar and Vanessa cardui to these aspects.

Our flight cages are installed in the Botanical Garden on the Lahnberge, which kindly gave us the space and support to do so.

Setting up flight cages