Learning Environment

This course is intended as a blended learning module, although the provided introductions, explanations and examples might be useful for self-study only, too.

All sessions will talk place in presence. at the Department of Environmental Informatics in Marburg.

HTML learning environment

Your primary learning environment is this public homepage, which was created on GitHub. Here you find all learning materials, assignment tasks, and help. The structure is linear, so just work your way through it. Of course you can also jump freely between units, but this is not recommended for beginners.

Flexible learning with deadlines

You will use the learning material provided in the HTML learning environment(s) for solving the given assignment tasks. The synchronous sessions will be used for discussing the assignments.

Note that you are flexible in solving your assignment tasks using the material provided in the HTML learning environment (and beyond), but the deadlines for submitting your solutions must be met. For details see the Deliverables section.


ILIAS is the course space offered by the University of Marburg. We will use ILIAS mainly for the administration of the course and for providing small static documents. The link to the ILIAS space for this course can be found here. Note that you have to log in with your student account. There is also a forum in ILIAS, which you can use for getting in touch with your fellow students.

GitHub Classroom

You will use GitHub Classroom for uploading your assignments and for getting familiar with git. The link for joining our GitHub Classroom can be found in ILIAS. Please add your full name or your student account name to your GitHub profile.

Strato server

We will be using a Strato server for providing data as we move along the course. The link for the server can be found here. Note that you will be provided with the username and password during the course. Important note - please do not share the data outside this course.

Google earth engine account

With the retirement of sen2r package in R, this year we have switched to Google earth engine to work with remote sensing data (in particular Sentinel-2). Hence we will use the GEE code editor to get this data. Visit GEE and sign-up with your Google account. You can use your existing gmail account to sign-up. It usually takes 1-2 days for approval. Hence do this step as soon as possible.
