EX | Predicting using U-Net |
Now that we have the prepared data, we can make a prediction on each of the individual prepared images and then reassemble them to a prediction map. Therefore we firstly need a function to rebuilding our images.
# function to rebuild your image
rebuild_img <- function(pred_subsets,
model_name) {
subset_pixels_x <- terra::ncol(pred_subsets[1, , , ])
subset_pixels_y <- terra::nrow(pred_subsets[1, , , ])
tiles_rows <- terra::nrow(target_rst) / subset_pixels_y
tiles_cols <- terra::ncol(target_rst) / subset_pixels_x
# load target image to determine dimensions
target_stars <- stars::st_as_stars(target_rst, proxy = F)
# prepare subfolder for output
result_folder <- file.path(out_path, model_name)
if (dir.exists(result_folder)) {
unlink(result_folder, recursive = T)
dir.create(path = result_folder)
# for each tile, create a stars from corresponding predictions,
# assign dimensions using original/target image, and save as tif:
for (crow in 1:tiles_rows) {
for (ccol in 1:tiles_cols) {
i <- (crow - 1) * tiles_cols + (ccol - 1) + 1
dimx <-
c(((ccol - 1) * subset_pixels_x + 1), (ccol * subset_pixels_x))
dimy <-
c(((crow - 1) * subset_pixels_y + 1), (crow * subset_pixels_y))
cstars <- stars::st_as_stars(t(pred_subsets[i, , , 1]))
attr(cstars, "dimensions")[[2]]$delta <- -1
# set dimensions using original raster
st_dimensions(cstars) <-
stars::st_dimensions(target_stars[, dimx[1]:dimx[2], dimy[1]:dimy[2]])[1:2]
stars::write_stars(cstars, dsn = paste0(result_folder, "/_out_", i, ".tif"))
starstiles <-
as.vector(list.files(result_folder, full.names = T), mode = "character")
util = "buildvrt",
source = starstiles,
destination = file.path(result_folder, "mosaic.vrt")
util = "warp",
source = file.path(result_folder, "mosaic.vrt"),
destination = file.path(result_folder, "mosaic.tif")
Now we can load the target raster and predict:
target_rst <- terra::rast(file.path(envrmt$path_model_testing_data, "marburg_mask_test_target.tif"))
# make the actual prediction
pred_subsets <- predict(object = unet_model, x = prediction_dataset)
# name your output path
model_name <- "unet_abc"
# rebuild .tif from each patch
pred_subsets = pred_subsets,
out_path = envrmt$path_prediction,
target_rst = target_rst,
model_name = model_name
Full screen version of the map
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