Research question and project

Now it is your turn to decide for a self-chosen research question to work on in your final team project.

There are several posibilities to move on, e.g.:

Improve the predictions

The random forest models and predictions of the mean vegetation height in Unit 6 were not that great. You could now focus on improving the model by using additional predictors, more training data or multi-temporal satellite imagery.

Compare model types

You could compare random forest models with other model types like support vector machines or a neural networks.

Use different response variables

During the course we used the mean vegetation height as an example. Of course you can try to model a different LiDAR-derived index.

Working in groups

Please organize yourselves in groups of up to four people. This has the advantage that you can split up different work packages, but has the disadvantage that you are also responsible for harmonizing the different parts into one seamless piece of work without redundancies. Each group submits ONE team project at the end. Please note that we expect submissions of groups with greater size to be larger in the total amount of work compared to smaller groups project.

Project management and implementation

Creativity in research and project management are not incompatible. In fact, professional research requires the definition of some kind of aim or the organization of tasks in time schedules.

Common project management steps are:

  • define the research question project and its objectives,
  • break down the project into tasks and define a schedule,
  • get and prepare the data you need for reaching your objectives
  • design workflows for each task and implement them, and last but not least
  • adjust your tasks, solve problems and be flexible.

Obviously, it makes sense to start your research project with a short project outline, which should include the project management steps outlined above. Based on your project outline and the feedback we will give you on it, you will realize and submit your final team project. More information about the final team project and there requirements can be found here.

For more details on project management for scientists, see e.g. the paper of Portny & Austin 2002.
