We distinguish between unmarked and marked deliverables (“Studien- und Prüfungsleistung”). Both are required for passing the course but only the latter is marked, making up your final grade for the course.
Students will need to deliver unmarked assignments on a regular basis (“homework”) and must end the course with a (team) project, which will be marked. Details on the individual assignments can be found in the respective units.
You are allowed and encouraged to use ChatGPT or similar AIs to solve the assignments. However, you need to present the solutions to your assignements to make sure you understand what you have done.
Where to upload
Upload your files in the right assignment folder in ILIAS. The right assignment folder has in its folder name the number of the assignment for uploading. If you like to upload your third assignment, for example, then you have to upload your files into the folder called “Assignment 03”.
How to name your uploaded files
Follow this naming convention for your uploaded files:
"Student account name"_"assignment"_"number assignment with two digits"."file ending"
For example:
When to upload at the latest
Upload your assignments to ILIAS at least 15 minutes before the start of the next session.
Project work
The deadline to deliver the project work is “to be determined” 2024, 23:00, but we can discuss this according to your needs. Details on the final project work will be added to the respective unit, here.