05 Data saving

The radar basics - get to know your data, storing results, calibrating

Data saving

In our data structure we introduced the processing sub-folder to store items that we are being reused at some point during our work. Data sets com in all size and shapes, it is original, processed, a .csv file a .dt1 file. Especially when processing radar data you come across multiple different data types that you have not heard of before. So, how to save them?

In R there is the possibility to save data a .RData or .rds file. Those two are R inclusive data types where you can nearly store any kind of data inside.

Best practice use is to save a single file in a .RDS and multiple objects in an .RData file.

test <- get(load(paste0(prc_path,"test.RData")))

saveRDS(test,file = paste0(prc_path,"test.rds"))

pipe processing

Some more information about the magrittr package

The pipe operator %>% is used to process multiple functions at once.
